How to write flood warning messages




Risk Communication, Disaster, Natural Hazard, Vulnerability


 Warning systems are essential for managing flood events and reducing human and material damage. However, the lack of protocols for the standardized development of warning messages is a challenge in emergency communication. Although emergency agencies dispose of basic messages, they lack protocols for creating and structuring content and classifying it according to different typologies. This paper proposes a methodology to create a library of flood risk warning messages. We describe the process of creating a library commissioned by the emergency services of the Valencian Community (Spain). The article provides a step-by-step guidance for identifying emergency areas, writing messages in a standardized way, and structuring the contents of the library in a systematic and operational manner. Message libraries are a strategic resource to enhance warning systems in the current context of climate change.


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Author Biographies

  • Antonio Aledo, Universidad de Alicante

    Departamento de Sociología I de la Universidad de Alicante

  • Guadalupe Ortiz, Department os Sociology I of the University of Alicante

    Departamento de Sociología I de la Universidad de Alicante

  • Josep Tur-Vives, Universidad de Alicante

    Instituto Universitario del Agua y de las Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad de Alicante


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How to Cite

Aznar-Crespo, P., Aledo, A., Ortiz, G., & Tur-Vives, J. (2024). How to write flood warning messages. Agua Y Territorio Water and Landscape, 24, e8059.