Call for Papers - Vol. 27 The Grove. Working Papers on English Studies
Dear colleagues:
We hope you are fine in spite of the distressing situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are sending this email to announce that the journal The Grove. Working Papers on English Studies is open to your contributions for issue 27 (2020), which will be published at the end of this year. Due to the difficult circumstances we are going through, which have entailed an enormous effort to get adapted to an unknown scenario and imposed important limitations on our teaching and research tasks, we have decided to extend the deadline for submitting contributions till September 30. Manuscripts must follow the guidelines that you will find attached to this email. We accept contributions within the fields of English language and linguistics, literature in English, teaching English as a Foreign Language, critical theory, translation and cultural studies. Likewise, book reviews and short literary contributions (poems and short stories) are also welcomed.
Although number 27 is not monographic, it goes without saying that this terrible pandemic has opened new research lines on its effects on English Studies, so you are encouraged to send contributions discussing their results.
We look forwards to getting your contributions.
Warm regards.