About the Journal

ISSN: 1137-005X       ISSNe: 2386-5431          DOI: 10.17561/grove
URL: https://revistaselectronicas.ujaen.es/index.php/grove

The Grove. Working Papers on English Studies is a peer-reviewed, indexed periodical. Published annually and distributed both nationally and internationally, The Grove is sponsored by the research group HUM-271 of the Regional Andalusian Government, published by the University of Jaén (Spain).

The primary scope of The Grove is literatures in English, critical theory, English language and linguistics, translation, English as a foreign language and cultural studies.

The editorial board kindly invites submissions in English or Spanish of original, unpublished articles and book reviews within the domain of the above topics, as well as unpublished poems or short literary contributions.

Articles and book reviews for publication should be submitted through the website of the journal: http://revistaselectronicas.ujaen.es/index.php/grove

Indexed by MLA, IEDCYT-CSIC, Latindex, Dialnet, MIAR, Dimensions and DICE.


News about journal plagiarism


We inform our readers, authors, and editorial board members that our journal has recently been plagiarised anonymously by an online publication that reproduces exactly the same title, ISSN, design, and corporate elements of The Grove. Working Papers on English Studies. The University of Jaén will take legal action against this fraudulent publication, but in the meantime, we would like to alert our users to the situation.

Given that the fraudulent publication reproduces the design of our journal, please note that the authentic URL of The Grove. Working Papers on English Studies is the following: https://revistaselectronicas.ujaen.es/index.php/blo/index. The editorial process, from the submission of the manuscript to the copyediting stage, including special issues with guest editors, must be completed through our OJS journal website. All CFPs and news of upcoming volumes will always be announced on our webpage.

We would also like to remind you that our journal only accepts contributions related to Anglophone Studies and, in no case, charges for the publication or reading of articles, as opposed to the openness to all kinds of subjects of the fake journal, which seeks to attract the maximum number of authors for profit. We, therefore, will accept no responsibility for the contents of the aforementioned publication.

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Current Issue

Vol. 31 (2024): The Grove. Working Papers on English Studies
					View Vol. 31 (2024): The Grove. Working Papers on English Studies
Published: 2024-12-27

Literary Contributions

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