Author Guidelines
The Grove. Working Papers on English Studies publishes contributions in English or Spanish of original, unpublished articles and book reviews within the domain of literatures in English, critical theory, English language and linguistics, translation, English as a foreign language and cultural studies. Additionally, The Grove also publishes poems or short literary contributions.
Articles and book reviews for publication should be submitted through the website of the journal. Submissions by post or e-mail will not be accepted.
Contributions should be original, unpublished and not considered for publication elsewhere.
Before submitting a contribution, please make sure that your text follows the following guidelines as well as the Submission Preparation Checklist. Contributions that do not follow the author’s guidelines may be declined or returned for resubmission.
Important dates
- Annual Call for Papers: February
- Deadline for submission: 30th June
Types of submissions
The Grove publishes the following types of contributions: articles, reviews of books and literary contributions (unpublished poems or short literary contributions). The length of articles is between 5000 and 8000 words (including abstracts, keywords, footnotes and references) and book reviews from 2000 to 3000 (including references). Submissions which do not reach the minimum word count (5000 in articles and 2000 in book reviews) will be declined immediately.
Manuscripts must deal with one of the fields of study covered by our journal, be original, provide substantial evidence for its conclusions, and prove relevant to the specific field. Additionally, we will be looking for methodological rigour, theoretical consistency and innovation, stylistic merit, and academic seriousness.
Manuscripts must be clearly written not containing grammatical or language errors. Authors must be consistent and follow either British or American spelling conventions. If English is a non-native language, native or copyediting assistance is recommended.
Authors must submit their contribution (as a Word file) as well as the following through the journal website. Should authors encounter difficulties with the online platform, please contact the journal editors.
- A separate attachment including all details of the author —title of the text, name of author, institution, academic/professional post, telephone numbers, postal, email address and ORCID number, as well as a brief résumé in English of 50 words maximum (click on “Add another file” after uploading the article or book review article, then choose the option “Other” in the “Article component” menu). Personal information should never be included in the manuscript itself.
- Metadata (in the submission process, i.e. "Enter Metadata"). Introduce the Section, Title and Abstract of the contribution properly.
All personal details must be absent from the manuscript and from the file properties. If necessary, the author's name should be replaced by "author" throughout the article.
If there is shared authorship, the authors should submit an extra document which specifies the criteria chosen for the order of author names and the contribution done by each of the authors.
All articles should be accompanied by a 100–150 word abstract and 6 keywords in both English and Spanish. Additionally, the title of the work should be included both in English and in Spanish.
Submissions should be prepared according to the MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (8th edition) throughout.
Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements are returned to the authors.
All contributions should follow these guidelines: 1,15 multiple spacing, 10 pt Times New Roman. Margins should be as follows: upper margin 3cm; lower, right and left margins 2cm. The text should be justified. The first line (only) of each paragraph should be indented 0,75cm when it is not the first of the section or after a long quotation.
- Title, abstract and keywords
The first page of each article must include the title, a 100-150 word abstract and 6 keywords separated with commas. The abstract should consist of one paragraph and contain no bibliographical references in parenthetical form. Abstracts should follow the IMRaD/C structure.
The title (10pt Times New Roman, bold, in capital letters) should be placed at the top and centre of the page. The title must be in English and Spanish. Do not use a period after titles.
Also, if any research is externally funded, authors must communicate all relevant information in a footnote right after the title, namely, the funding agency, call, project reference number and (optionally), title.
The abstract consists of 100-150 words (10pt Times New Roman, multiple 1.15 spacing, justified) and it should be written in both English and Spanish.
Just after the abstract, include a list of six keywords in 10pt Times New Roman, separated with commas in both English and Spanish. The Spanish version of the abstract and keywords should be done afterwards. Each section should contain its name (10pt Times New Roman, bold), i.e. Abstract, Keywords, Resumen and Palabras claves.
Book reviews should not contain either abstract or keywords.
- Headings and subheadings
Manuscripts must be divided into numbered sections. Sections will be numbered using Arabic numerals and a dot (1. Introduction). Subsections should be also numbered 1.1., 1.2., etc. Headings and subheadings should appear on its own separate line and should be 10pt Times New Roman in bold including the title of the work and the words ‘abstract’, ‘keywords’, ‘resumen’ and ‘palabras claves’. Abstract and keyword sections both in English and Spanish are not numbered. Do not include a period after headings or subheadings.
- Footnotes
Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and bibliographical references should be avoided. When used, they should be 8,5 pt Times New Roman, single spacing. Footnote numbers must be included after punctuation marks.
- Boldface, italics, commas
Bold font should be used for headings and subheadings only. Double inverted commas should be used for “Titles of articles” or “Quotes embedded withing running text”. Simple inverted commas are used for ‘emphasis’. Italics are used for Book Titles and foreign words.
- Examples
Examples should be indented and numbered with Arabic numerals. They should be set apart from the main body of the text by leaving spaces before and after. When mentioned in the running text, they should be in parentheses: (1), (2), (3). If the examples are in a language other than English, they should be accompanied by a translation.
- Tables, figures and graphics
All tables and figures should be numbered consecutively and referred to by their numbers within the text. They should be centered including a title (Table/Figure X. + title) in 10pt Times New Roman in bold.
- Long dashes or em dash (—)
Long dashes should be used for additional comments instead of parentheses. The spaces between the dash and the comment should be removed.
- Dates
Centuries must be referred to as follows: “18th” instead of “18th.”
- Quotations
Double quotation marks should be used for text quotations. If exceeding four lines, block quotes should be used. They should be separated from the main text and the whole quotation indented 1.4cm on its left margin.
Reference should include the page numbers or, if the author is not mentioned earlier in the paragraph, the surname(s) of the author(s) plus the page numbers (without abbreviations such as p. or pp.). For page numbers, the format 100–08 is preferred instead of 100–108 or 100–8.
- References embedded within the main text (four lines maximum):
In his work, “Fiedler focused on Shakespeare only, and he included women and ‘Indians’ ...”, while in my analysis I will include a wider corpus of early modern English texts (10) or (López-Peláez 10).*
*If more than one work by the same author is included in the bibliography, the citation should include the first word(s) of the title of the book/article: (Strangers 10) or (López-Peláez, Strangers 10).
- Block quotes (five or more lines):
... the Spanish monarchs Isabel and Fernando were simultaneously campaigning to defeat the last Iberian stronghold of Islam, the kingdom of Granada. The year they succeeded, 1492, was also the year in which they obliged Spain’s remaining Jews to convert to Christianity or emigrate. Ten years later Muslims were given the same choice. After another century of tensions, Philip III moved to expel all Moriscos in 1609. (Burns 188–89)
If part of the original text is omitted, three dots without brackets should be included.
- Bibliographical references
References should follow the MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (8th edition). They should be listed alphabetically. When there are several entries by the same author, replace the name with three dashes (---.). The reference section should start with the heading References (10pt Times New Roman, bold and centred). All the references listed in the Reference section should include the DOI. Please, introduce the reference in the following website to check whether the reference has a DOI or not.
- Monographs:
Duiker, William J., and Jackson J. Spielvogel. The Essential World History, Volume 2. 6th ed. 2 vols., Wadsworth, 2011.
- Multiple works:
Follett, Ken. Lie Down with Lions. Signet, 1986.
---. The Pillars of the Earth. Signet, 1990.
- Edited book
López-Peláez, Jesús, editors. Strangers in Early Modern English Texts. Peter Lang, 2011.
- Chapter in an edited book:
Kavanagh, James H. “Shakespeare in Ideology.” Alternative Shakespeares. Ed. John Drakakis. Routledge, 2002, pp. 147–69.
- Translated book:
Eco, Umberto. The Name of the Rose. Translated by William Weaver, Harcourt, 1983.
- Two or more authors:
Greer, Margaret R., and Maureen Quilligan. Rereading the Black Legend. Discourses of Religious and Racial Difference in the Renaissance Empires. University of Chicago Press, 2007.
Rivara, Frederick P., et al. “Prevention of Bicycle-Related Injuries: Helmets, Education, and Legislation.” Annual Review of Public Health, vol. 19, 1998, pp. 293–318.
- Article:
Solé, Yolanda. “Valores aspectuales en español.” Hispanic Linguistics, vol. 4, no.1, 1990, pp. 57–85.
- Reviews:
Camhi, Leslie. “Art of the City.” Review of New York Modern: The Arts and the City, by William B. Scott and Peter M. Rutkoff. Village Voice, vol. 15, June 1999, p. 154.
- Online Journal:
Barry, John M. “The Site of Origin of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic and Its Public Health Implications.” Journal of Translational Medicine vol. 2, no. 3, 20 Jan. 2004, pp. 1–4, Accessed 18 Nov. 2005.
- Websites:
López-Peláez, Jesús. Research Project: Muslims, Spaniards and Jews in Early Modern English Texts: The Construction of the ‘Other’. University of Jaén, 21 Oct. 2011, Accessed 10 Apr. 2016.