About the Journal

ISSN: 2387-0907            ISSNe: 2603-9443            DOI: 10.17561/riai
URL: https://revistaselectronicas.ujaen.es/index.php/riai 


The International Journal in Support of Inclusion, Speech Therapy, Society and Multiculturalism (RIAI) is a journal that has inherited the older RIALAIM journal, but from which it became independent in order to take on the guidelines of the current journals with impact indicators. The RIAI journal currently has both international and national research and theoretical articles that are refereed by blind peers outside the journal, in a rigorous selection process. The thematic areas are: inclusive education, speech therapy, society and multiculturalism. The RIAI has a periodicity of three issues per year (January, June and September).


General:-To identify, produce, promote and disseminate the reflections and research related to inclusive education, speech therapy, phonoaudiology, society and multiculturalism.-Specific:-To create a virtual space in Spanish, Portuguese and English to disseminate the results of the reflections and research in the field of inclusive education, speech therapy, phonoaudiology, society and multiculturalism.-To promote the exchange and cooperation between Spanish, Brazilian and Latin American researchers with their colleagues from the international academic world interested in the themes of the RIAI.



The scope of the RIAI journal is international. The thematic coverage of RIAI aims to include those reflections and research that deal with:-Inclusive education.-Logopedia-phonoaudiology.-Society.-Multiculturality.



Professionals, students, affected people and families related to educational and social inclusion, speech therapy-phonoaudiology and multiculturalism.



The process of reviewing an article begins first with a review of the formal aspects and compliance with the rules of the journal. This process will be carried out by the Editorial Team. The articles will be submitted to a plagiarism review through the appropriate procedures. Secondly, once the formal aspects and adaptation to the guidelines of the journal have been passed, the external review will be carried out by two evaluators (double blind) appointed by the Editorial Team and not from the journal. Once the evaluators' response has been received, the Editorial Team will make the final decision on the publication of the article. If the evaluation is positive, the article will be published, if the evaluation is negative, it will be rejected.  The reception of an article does not imply any commitment from the journal for its publication. Sending articles is free of charge.



This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps to increase global knowledge exchange.


The International Journal in Support of Inclusion, Speech Therapy and Multiculturalism publishes high level articles that are the result of research carried out at national and international level and that update the reader on issues and debates that are part of the concerns in the field of education, divided into the following sections:- Presentation: This section is written by members of the editorial board or the thematic section editors, which means that it is not open to submissions and is not judged. It is intended that the section highlights the main research trends in the field of inclusive education and that are published in the issue presented, or with an emphasis on the theme of the section (technology, culture, diversity, etc.) Article: original findings or results of research projects that demonstrate a theoretical position, clear methodology, results, discussion and conclusions.


The International Journal in Support of Inclusion, Speech Therapy, Society and Multiculturalism (RIAI) subscribes to the Code of Ethics developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

8.-Principles os transparency.

-Web site : A statement of 'Aims and Scope' is included on the website and readers are clearly defined. There is a statement of what the journal is considering for publication. ISSNs are clearly displayed -Name of the journal: the name of the journal is unique and not easily confused with another journal or likely to mislead authors and potential readers about the origin of the journal or the association with other journals. -Peer review process: RIAI journal adopts the peer review process. Peer review is defined as obtaining advice on individual manuscripts from expert reviewers in the field who are not part of the journal's editorial staff. This process, as well as any policies related to the journal's peer review procedures, are clearly described on the journal's website, including the method of peer review used. -Management: Information about the management of the journal is clearly indicated on the journal's website. -Chancellor: RIAI has a management team, an editorial team and an international scientific committee. The full names and affiliations of the journal's editorial board and other bodies are provided on the journal's website. Editorial team/contact information: RIAI provides the full names and affiliations of the journal's editors on the journal's website, as well as contact information for the editorial office.  -Author fees: RIAI does not require financial payment for publication. This journal does not charge article processing fees (APC). -Process for identifying and addressing allegations of research misconduct: The editors and publishers will take reasonable steps to identify and prevent publication of documents where research misconduct has occurred, including plagiarism, citation tampering, and falsification/manufacture of data, among others. -Publishing ethics: RIAI has policies on editorial ethics. -Publication schedule: The periodicity of the RIAI journal is clearly stated. RIAI has a periodicity of three issues per year (January, June, December) -Access: the way(s) in which the journal and individual articles are clearly available to readers.

9.-Ethics requirements for publication and declaration of malpractice:

1. Editorial board
- The magazine has an editorial board whose members are recognized experts in the field. The full names and affiliations of members are listed on the journal's website.
- The journal provides editorial office contact information on the journal's website.

2. Authors and Authors' Responsibilities
- Fees or charges required for processing of manuscripts and/or publication of materials in the journal are clearly indicated in one place before authors begin preparing their manuscript for submission.
- Authors are required to participate in the peer review process.
- All authors must contribute significantly to the research.
- All authors are required to provide retractions or corrections of errors.
- Reference list, financial support.
- Prohibition to publish the same research in more than one journal.

3. Peer review process
- All journal content is subject to peer review.
- Peer review is defined as obtaining advice on individual manuscripts from experts in the field from reviewers.
- It should be clearly described on the journal's website.
- Judgments should be objective.
- Reviewers must not have conflicts of interest.
- Reviewers should identify relevant published works that have not yet been cited.
- Reviewed articles are treated as confidential.

4. Publication ethics
- The publisher and editors will take reasonable steps to identify and prevent publication of articles in which research misconduct has occurred.
- In no event shall the journal or its editors encourage such misconduct or knowingly allow it to occur.
- In the event that the editor or editors of a journal become aware of any allegations of investigative misconduct, the editor or publisher will deal appropriately with the allegations.
- The journal must have guidelines for retracting or correcting articles when necessary.
- Editors and directors are willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary.

5. Copyright and access
- Copyright and licensing information is clearly described on the magazine's website.
- It indicates how the magazine and individual articles are available to readers and whether there are associated subscriptions or pay-per-view fees.

6. Archive
- The journal's plan for electronic backup and preservation of access to the journal's content in the event that the journal is no longer published is clearly stated.



La revista RIAI está indexada en:




Dirección (Direction)

Consejo Editorial (Editorial Board)



The International Journal in Support of Inclusion, Speech Therapy, Society and Multiculturalism (RIAI) Riai is a journal that is three years old, although it is heir to the older RIALAIM journal, but from which it became independent in order to take on the guidelines of the current journals with impact indicators.