Teading habits in Secondary education: Booktuber proposal


  • Cristina De-Cecilia-Rodríguez Universidad de Sevilla
  • Margarita R. Rodríguez-Gallego Universidad de Sevilla
  • Rosario Ordóñez-Sierra Universidad de Sevilla
  • Soledad J. Domene-Martos Universidad de Sevilla




Hábitos lectores, TIC, booktuber, lengua castellana y literatura, educación secundaria.


The objective of this experience has been to carry out an initial evaluation, through a questionnaire, to detect the needs and reading habits of students in the third year of ESO in a center in the province of Seville. The results of the questionnaire make explicit the lack of reading habits, although the students state that when they read they do it for pleasure and that if they had more free time they would read more; which has led us to design, develop and evaluate a reading practice called booktuber in the subject of Spanish Language and Literature to encourage reading habits. The students have made a video review as booktubers to analyze the book Marianela by Pérez Galdós; allowing this reading practice to increase their motivation, exposure capacity and memory behind the camera. Through the final satisfaction questionnaire it has been detected that this practice is more attractive to them than the written exam they carry out of the compulsory readings.


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Author Biographies

  • Cristina De-Cecilia-Rodríguez, Universidad de Sevilla
    Cristina de-Cecilia-Rodriguez Graduated in Communication Sciences with a Master's Degree in Digital Marketing from the Seville Chamber of Commerce and a Master's Degree in Teaching in Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate Vocational Training and Language Teaching from the University of Seville, specializing in Spanish Language and Literature. Research tasks developed in the field of Information and Communication Technologies, good reading practices and external practices.
  • Margarita R. Rodríguez-Gallego, Universidad de Sevilla
    Margarita R. Rodriguez-Gallego Professor of the Department of Didactics and Educational Organization, of the Faculty of Educational Sciences (University of Seville). He belongs to the GID HUM-390 Research group, in which he has been developing research tasks in the field of general didactics, information and communication technologies at different educational levels and the improvement of external internships in the Bachelor's degree. of Pedagogy and Learning Communities. The author's main publications are collected in: Sisius ID: https://investigacion.us.es/sisius/sis_showpub.php?idpers=1951
  • Rosario Ordóñez-Sierra, Universidad de Sevilla

    Titular teacher

    Sevilla University

    Faculty of Education

    Dpt. of Teaching and Educational Organization

    C/ Pirotecnia s/n (Campus Ramón y Cajal)

    41013 | Seville (Spain) | Phone (+34) 955420618

    It develops research tasks in the field of general didactics, and the improvement of external internships in the Degree in Pedagogy and in Learning Communities.      



  • Soledad J. Domene-Martos, Universidad de Sevilla
    Hired Professor Doctor Professor in the Department of Didactics and Educational Organization, of the Faculty of Educational Sciences (University of Seville). He belongs to the GID HUM-390 Research Group, in which he has been developing research tasks in the field of general didactics, information and communication technologies at different educational levels and improvement.  


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How to Cite

Teading habits in Secondary education: Booktuber proposal. (2023). AULA DE ENCUENTRO, 25(1), 131-156. https://doi.org/10.17561/ae.v25n1.7312