Analysis of the didactic thinking of Higher education teachers on teaching methodologies


  • Milgian Dixiana Martínez Ordóñez Universidad de Málaga



Perspectiva didáctica, docencia universitaria, métodos de enseñanza


This article stems from the first phase of a doctoral research aimed at analyzing the practices of teachers at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras. The objective was to study the didactic thinking of teachers regarding teaching methodology, with emphasis on the criteria for its selection and the most frequently used methods. For this phase, we interviewed 7 novice and 5 experienced teachers who were intentionally sampled using a multiple-case strategy. The results indicate that virtual teaching as a support for face-to-face teaching, as well as the promotion of reflection, analysis, and critical thinking, are the most valued criteria by the teachers. It was also found that the most employed methodologies are group work and project-based learning, followed by the lecture.


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How to Cite

Analysis of the didactic thinking of Higher education teachers on teaching methodologies. (2023). AULA DE ENCUENTRO, 25(1), 22-42.