Gamifying Harry Potter: Analysis of a case study in Primary education


  • José Ignacio Menéndez Santurio Universidad Isabel I



Gamification, qualitative, active methodologies, learning, school


The aim of this paper was to analyse students, families and teachers’ perceptions of a gamification project about Harry Potter for Primary Education students. Participants were 19 boys and girls in the 3rd grade of Primary Education from a school located in northern Spain, the students’ families, the Therapeutic Pedagogy teacher, and the teacher-researcher. Several instruments to collect data were used: teacher-researcher’s diary, open-ended questions for students, families and the external observer, and finally, drawings. Data analysis produced a total of three categories: enjoyment, cooperation and learning. The results show an important improvement in the three categories. In conclusion, the gamified approach has a significant positive impact on variables of great educational importance.


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How to Cite

Gamifying Harry Potter: Analysis of a case study in Primary education. (2023). AULA DE ENCUENTRO, 25(1), 62-84.