Investigation of the effects of learning and performance goal orientation on team creative efficacy and new service development performance within the organization


  • Zafer Adiguzel Istanbul Medipol University
  • Fatma Sonmez Cakir Bartin University


Palabras clave:

executive support, learning goal orientation, new service development performance, performance goal orientation, team creative efficacy, industry


The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationships between the variables of learning goal
orientation, performance goal orientation, executive support, team creative efficacy and new
service development performance. A survey study was conducted with 592 employees working
at organizations that operated in the production sector in the scope of the research purpose. The
IBM SPSS 25 and IBM SPSS AMOS programs were used incrementally, and the acquired data
were evaluated and analyzed. As a result of the analysis, it is emphasized that organizations
should give importance to learning and performance especially because of their positive effects.
Since the research is carried out on the employees in the production sector, it covers a specific
sector in a specific field. The results of the research are applicable to the executive support and
performances of the firms in the production sector in order to be more efficient. The research
is original in terms of evaluating learning goal orientation and performance goal orientation in
firms in the production sector.


Los datos de descarga aún no están disponibles.


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Cómo citar

Investigation of the effects of learning and performance goal orientation on team creative efficacy and new service development performance within the organization. (2022). Revista De Estudios Empresariales. Segunda Época, 2, 230-250.