Web security in online tourism distribution of rural destinations: the case of Extremadura

The case of Extremadura


  • Ana Moreno Lobato Universidad de Extremadura
  • Bárbara-Sofía Universidad de Extremadura
  • Elena Sánchez-Vargas Universidad de Extremadura
  • José-Manuel Hernández-Mogollón Universidad de Extremadura




Travel Agencies, Distribution, Digitalisation, Tourism Marketing, Web Security


Digitalisation is a tool for the development of tourism destinations and products. This trend has gained relevance in recent years due to new marketing and distribution processes. Consumers are an increasingly demanding and autonomous market that seeks information, speed and online availability throughout the decision-making process and enjoyment of the trip. Beside, businesses and destinations are committed to strategic lines of online marketing with the aim of expanding the target market, automating processes and streamlining and facilitating the purchase. Moreover, Covid-19 has necessarily accelerated this digitalisation process and users are increasingly using online platforms for their trips. Within this commercial process of digitalisation, tourism service providers must focus on security in order to guarantee a good and quality service. Through a case study and a cluster analysis of travel agencies in Extremadura, as a rural destination, an approach to the web security of the main travel agencies, management groups and commercial groups is carried out. The main objective is to evaluate the real capacity of rural destination marketing through online platforms taking into account web security for users. The results show a tendency to centralise web management in management groups or online management entities to ensure privacy in the purchasing process.


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How to Cite

Web security in online tourism distribution of rural destinations: the case of Extremadura: The case of Extremadura. (2023). Revista De Estudios Empresariales. Second Era, 2, 223-235. https://doi.org/10.17561/ree.n2.2023.7765