Ted Talks as a teaching resource in the subject of “Economics of social expenditure” of the degree in Economics


  • David Cantarero Prieto Universidad de Cantabria; Grupo de Investigación en Economía de la Salud, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Valdecilla (IDIVAL); Santander Financial Institute (SANFI) https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8082-0639
  • Carla Blázquez Fernández Universidad de Cantabria; Grupo de Investigación en Economía de la Salud, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Valdecilla (IDIVAL) https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0204-7174
  • Paloma Lanza León Universidad de Cantabria; Grupo de Investigación en Economía de la Salud, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Valdecilla (IDIVAL) https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0369-180X
  • Javier Lera Grupo de Investigación en Economía de la Salud, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Valdecilla (IDIVAL) https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0367-265X




TED Talks, Guest Speaker, Teaching innovation, economics of social expenditure


Objective: The pandemic highlighted the need to reinforce other teaching methods such as virtual teaching, gamification, and asynchronous formats. Our study analyzes the experience of implementing the asynchronous guest speaker approach using TED Talks in the course “Economics of Social Expenditure” in the third year of the Economics Degree.

Methods: At the end of each TED Talk, students are given a series of activities to analyze the performance and usefulness of the activity in terms of their acceptance and understanding of the key concepts that have been assessed in the continuous evaluation. Besides, students are required to respond to an anonymous questionnaire regarding their satisfaction with the activity.

Results: Both the questionnaires and the grades show the following results: 1. High satisfaction with the proposed activities. 2. Increased student participation and engagement in the course’s development. 3. Improved acceptance and assimilation of key concepts resulting in higher final grades for the course. 4. Enhancement of soft skills such as teamwork and critical thinking.

Conclusions: Our experience proves the need to continue in these methodologies, which could be extrapolated to other subjects. Thus, we can consider students’ feedback to improve teaching, but it will also allow us to build a small database to statistically validate this teaching experience.


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How to Cite

Ted Talks as a teaching resource in the subject of “Economics of social expenditure” of the degree in Economics. (2024). Revista De Estudios Empresariales. Second Era, 1, 109-124. https://doi.org/10.17561/ree.n1.2024.8206