Cosmopolitical strategies for the water defense in Mapuche-Huilliche territory
Water, Territoriality, Spirit-owners, Cosmopolitan strategies, Mapuche-Huilliche, Chile, RupumeicaAbstract
The significance of the water that organizes the cosmopolitan strategies of the Mapuche-Huilliche territories acquires a renewed importance against the current context of privatization of water rights in Chile.
The case of the Mapuche-Huilliche community of Rupumeica, is a unique example in Chile of an indigenous political exercise in which the construction of a hydroelectric power plant project has been halted for ten years. To achieve this, the community of Rupumeica has defended the water in the name of its myths, its rites, the spirits that own the territory in which they live, their ancestors that populated this place, their title deeds given by the State of Chile, on behalf of Convention 169 of the OIT (UN’s International Labour Organization), signed by the States of Chile and Norway (Nation which SN Power belongs, the company that wants to build such a project).
In the present article we have sought to express the character acquired by the ngen (owner spirits), especially the ngen-ko (spirit owner da água) and chao-ngenechen (base unit, material-immaterial) in the articulation of cosmopolitan strategies for claiming the Mapuche-Huilliche participation in the management of its territory. Such participation has made it possible to prevent the construction of the Maqueo hydroelectric dam, which proposes to divert 8 rivers and flood approximately 160 hectares of their ancestrally inhabited territories, on the banks of Lake Maihue, Futrono and Río Bueno communes, in the Region of the Rivers (Austral Andes, southern Chile). In search of understanding the cosmopolitical strategies and practices of protest, present in this negotiation, there is a radical disagreement with the possibility of an ontological opening, which claims territoriality, home and lineage, against the territorial transformations imposed by the national economic development. In this sense the disagreement emerges between what considers itself "the whole" (The nation state) and the existence of what exceeds it (the indigenous cosmopolitics that leaves no marks on the historicity of the nation state).
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