The Writing of Politics and the Politics of Writing in Helen Maria Williams’ A Tour in Switzerland (1798)



Helen Maria Williams, Women’s Writing, Eighteenth Century, French Revolution


British author and political activist Helen Maria Williams (1759-1827) dedicated the greatest part of her career to describe and analyse the French Revolution and the consequences of its aftermath. She is known for her Letters written in France (1790), an eyewitness account of her first visit to France. At the beginning of her career, Williams was praised in Britain for her  sensibility poems. However, when she moved to France, and especially after the publication of A Tour Switzerland (1798), she shows her commitment to the ideas of the French Revolution while presenting her writing a source for accurate political and historical information. For this aim, she employs a series of strategies that situate herself in the position of an informed intellectual. This article focuses on A Tour in Switzerland, a work that has received less critical attention than Letters but deserves reconsideration.


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Author Biography

  • Paula Yurss Lasanta, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
    Paula Yurss Lasanta is a PhD Candidate in English Literature at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Her current area of research is women’s creation and self-representation in discourses of intellectual value in the late eighteenth century, focusing mainly (but not exclusively) on the works of British author Helen Maria Williams.


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How to Cite

Yurss Lasanta, P. (2016). The Writing of Politics and the Politics of Writing in Helen Maria Williams’ A Tour in Switzerland (1798). The Grove - Working Papers on English Studies, 23.