Vol. 3 (1997): The Grove. Working Papers on english studies

					Ver Vol. 3 (1997): The Grove. Working Papers on english studies


Understanding narrative discourse: a computer-based approach to the problems of reference and co-reference
Pilar Alonso Rodríguez ........................................................................ 7

Scribal attitudes tow ards syntactic change in late old and early middle english verse

Javier E. Diaz Vera ............................................................................ 21

La descortesía no intencionada y el discurso no cortés
Reyes Gómez Morón.......................................................................... 33

Clasificación semántica de cláusulas sintéticas
Ángel Jiménez Fernández................................................................... 51

Historicist studies and the english renaissance (or what is cultural materialism and why are they saying such terrible things about it?)
Jesús López-Peláez Casellas............................................................... .. 67

Corpus evidence for a lexical approach to gramj\1ar

María José Luzón Marco..................................................................... 79

Let angels sing enamoured dirges ... (. .. While we ride into the lands of beyond)
Julio Ángel Olivares Merino................................................................ 97

The rhythms of language and metrical doctrine: the case of Henry Howard's blank verse
José Ma Pérez Fernández.................................................................. 119

The analysis of interaction in project work
Antonio R. Roldán Tapia .................................................................. l31

Victimization as response to personal and political unrest in Margaret Atwood's bodily harm (1981)
Maria Pilar Sánchez Calle................................................................. 145

Introducción a la literatura chicana
Manuel Villar Raso........................................................................... 155

Interview with Stephen Dobyns
Rosa Morillas Sánchez................................................................. . 169

García Tortosa, Francisco y Toro Santos, A Raúl de. (eds.). 1997. Joyce en España (JI).

Carmelo Medina Casado........................................................... 187

Nieto García, Jesús-Manuel. 1995. Introducción al Análisis del Discurso Hablado.
Marta Hidalgo Rodríguez.................................................................. 193

Publicado: 1997-12-09
