“I’m not a body; I’m a thinking head”

. Persistence of mind/body dichotomy in older women


  • Gisela Durán Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia




Aging, Body, Mind, Dichotomies, Feminism


This paper, inserted in broader ethnographic research on the experience of the aging process in some women living in Madrid, examines the impact that the internalization of classic dichotomies such as those that oppose mind and body has on these women, ranking the two terms of the polarity. This study proposes that the consciousness of the aging body could reinforce dichotomous thinking in them, privileging identification with the mind and detachment from a body that, according to a dualistic symbolic order, appears as immanent, inferior to the mind, and in need of control.


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How to Cite

“I’m not a body; I’m a thinking head”: . Persistence of mind/body dichotomy in older women. (2021). Antropología Experimental, 21, 261-271. https://doi.org/10.17561/rae.v21.5782

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