Connecting transit areas

autoethnographic approach from professional and academic practice.


  • Fermín Pedregosa Argüelles Universidad de Granada



Migration, Transit areas, Autoethnography, Reflexivity


This article aims to reflect on the main milestones that have marked my experience in social intervention with the migrant population in two geostrategic enclaves belonging to the migratory route of the western Mediterranean Sea that crosses Morocco and Spain. Both experiences are anchored in Nador during 2017 and in Bilbao during 2018 and 2019. The methodological choice of this research is autoethnography, as a narrative, reflective and critical form allows me to approach my own experience in the field, situating my place in them. A different way of perceiving the professional and/or the academic within their daily tasks in the field allows an approach to the migratory phenomenon from other lenses. The changing and convulsive reality of migratory contexts requires continuous training on the elements that intervene in them, also, the use of innovative methodologies loaded with human potential can contribute to the production of knowledge that improves their comprehension.


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How to Cite

Connecting transit areas: autoethnographic approach from professional and academic practice. (2021). Antropología Experimental, 21, 273-286.

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