Drawing Music. Ethnographic history in images of a processional band


  • Esther López Carmona Universidad de Jaén




Drawing, illustration, music, iconography, band, Easter


This work is the result of an almost obsessive research by my part and an ethnographic character, it attempts to explain the meaning of a procession band from within, what happens with it along the years and how it works…definitely I try to tell everything that is not seem from outside in a procession or a concert. All of this is not counted in an ordinary way, it is made though illustrations and small graphical annotations, with the purpose that is better understood and the reader has the same interpretation as I want to transmit I also have the opportunity to join two artistic disciplines: music and painting. Though strokes I give meaning to different musical aspects and something as a Holy week music band, which also counts with a large number of connotations and meaning.


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Author Biography

  • Esther López Carmona, Universidad de Jaén
    Doctorando Programa Patrimonio.


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How to Cite

“Drawing Music. Ethnographic history in images of a processional band” (2016) Tercio Creciente, 6(1). doi:10.17561/rtc.n11.5.