What is a cow for a child? Ten pedagogical-artistic conditioning factors in children's expression and representation





graphic-plastic stages; children's drawing; children's expression, artistic education


Artistic expression in childhood constitutes an intrinsic need that evolves synchronously with boys' and girls' cognitive, perceptual, communicative, and psychomotor development. Although expressive stages are common, the representations are singular and manifest as idiolects—unique, particular codes in style, intimately connected with the biography of the drawer. Our research has focused on interacting with boys and girls aged 2 to 12 in their usual family environment, proposing the drawing of a cow. The gathered experiences have revealed a variety of cow representations, providing a deeper understanding of the factors present in children's artistic expression and representation. Additionally, we have explored the connection between these artistic manifestations and the acquisition of other learnings, such as alphabetic literacy. This study emphasizes the importance of teachers understanding these pedagogical expressive factors. By doing so, they can effectively respond to the needs and possibilities of the child's expressive universe, enriching the educational process.



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Author Biography

  • Martín Caeiro Rodríguez, UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA

    PhD in Fine Arts (2008, University of Vigo); Degree in Fine Arts (2003) and Diploma of Advanced Studies (2005) at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Pontevedra; Pedagogical Adaptation Course (CAP) at the Faculty of Education Sciences (Pontevedra, 2004); Accredited by ANECA, he has taken numerous training courses focused on artistic practice, research and teaching. He is currently a member of the faculty of the Faculty of Education of the University of Zaragoza in the Department of Musical, Plastic and Corporal Expression. He has been director of the Department of Didactics of Plastic and Visual Arts (2015-2020) at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR) and professor of various subjects in the Master of Teacher Training in Secondary Education (Specialty Drawing and Plastic Arts), and in Degrees of Infant and Primary Education, an activity that he combines with the Direction of Master's Thesis and End of Degree. He has completed a doctoral thesis on the concept of the "imaginal": The Imaginal Kingdom: journey from the natural to the real and vice versa; various exhibitions such as Zoographies of the Soul (Verbum Museum. Casa das palabras de Vigo, 2007), Neuston Project, Experiment 1: exploring the interface (Museo del Mar de Vigo, 2009). Coeditor of the books Guía práctica de la Carrera Investigadora en Bellas Artes (University of Vigo, 2007), Notas para una investigación artística (University of Vigo, 2008) and La cultura transversal: colaboraciones entre arte, ciencia y tecnología, (University of Vigo, 2010); He has published several articles such as: El aborigen y sus imágenes (Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía, Política y Humanidades Araucaria, 2009);, Exponer lo imaginal: reproducir y representar (Revista Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2009); Tecnopatías de la educación artística: reflexiones en torno a la enseñanza y aprendizaje digital del arte (Biblioteca ONLINE, 2015); or the story Othijerero y el agujero mágico (Editorial Xerais de Vigo,( 2008).


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How to Cite

“What is a cow for a child? Ten pedagogical-artistic conditioning factors in children’s expression and representation” (2023) Tercio Creciente, (extra7), pp. 69–86. doi:10.17561/rtc.extra7.8396.