Cultural references in the English subtitling of the Cuban film Strawberry and Chocolate


  • Yessie Milag Nodal Universidad de Jaén


translation, translation strategies, cultural references, subtitling, domestication, foreignization


The translation process of cultural references in audiovisual texts poses one of the greatest challenges that translators must face. In this regard, the purpose of this article is to analyze the main types or solutions employed to translate cultural references in the English subtitling of the Cuban film Strawberry and Chocolate (1993). A brief overview concerning the definition and classification of cultural references will be presented. Afterwards, the possible translation solutions employed to deal successfully with these cultural elements in our corpus will be analyzed. With regard to the results, the most frequent solution was communicative translation, followed by foreignizing solutions, such as calque or exoticism. Moreover, as could be proved, the type of cultural reference has influenced on the selection of translation solution.


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Author Biography

  • Yessie Milag Nodal, Universidad de Jaén

    PhD Student

    English Department. Faculty of Arts and Education. University of Jaén.


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How to Cite

Nodal, Y. M. (2016). Cultural references in the English subtitling of the Cuban film Strawberry and Chocolate. The Grove - Working Papers on English Studies, 23.