Imaginaries and anti-imperialist representations

The OSPAAAL and the global-south cooperation (1967-2019)


  • Alberto García Molinero Universidad de Granada



OSPAAAL. Global-South. Tricontinental. Cuba. Graphic-Design


After half a century of solidarity and struggle for the Global-South cooperation, the Organization of Solidarity with the People of Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America, more known as OSPAAAL, closed his doors definitely in 2019. The OSPAAAL was the first organization to give voice to the Third World countries. Through self graphic-design style and the Tricontinental Magazine, this ‘NGO’ was a referent in cooperation and solidarity struggle among Global-South countries. Building a new future and studying past experiences, like this organization, is a essential task to face the big challenges of the 21st Century among Global-South countries.


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How to Cite

Imaginaries and anti-imperialist representations: The OSPAAAL and the global-south cooperation (1967-2019). (2022). Antropología Experimental, 22, 79-95.

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